NFCA’s desire is to offer each student an excellent education. Moreover, NFCA believes that this goal can only be attained by teaching subject matter in the light of God’s Word (the Bible). Therefore, our goal is to give each child an education designed to fulfill II Timothy 3:17: “That the man of God may be perfect [complete], thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”
North Fork Christian Academy
Academic Programs
Elementary, Middle School, & Junior High (Grades 1-8)
The elementary, middle school, and junior high programs are designed for the average student to develop learning skills in all core subject areas. The reading program is based on the mastery of phonics. Mathematics, grammar, spelling, science, and penmanship are important elements of the program and are taught through the lens of God’s Word. Also, the Bible is taught every day. Students are encouraged to use and perfect their talents and abilities.
Senior High School (Grades 9-12)
NFCA offers a college preparatory education in a wholesome Christian atmosphere with closed enrollment. High
School students will only be considered for acceptance at NFCA, if they attend FBCH or if they or another sibling
have attended or are expected to attend NFCA’s Elementary, Middle School, or Junior High programs. In NFCA’s
High School program emphasis is given to content that provides solid academic preparation for the College Board
Tests—the PSAT, the ACT, and the SAT.

We believe that your child’s education must be a joint effort.
NFCA is a uniquely religious, educational institution that seeks to provide a quality education in a distinct Christian environment. One of the goals of NFCA is to work with parents and guardians to train Christian young men and women to be godly leaders in their communities. NFCA believes that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and sets forth absolute truth by which Christians are to live. NFCA expects and requires that both students and parents will support the Academy in its distinct mission and in its biblical beliefs.
Students are tentatively accepted at NFCA after all paperwork has been completed, previous school records reviewed, and fees paid. Final acceptance is contingent upon an informal interview of the student and parents with the administration, grade placement of the student, and enrollment forms and fees submitted.
Parents and student must interview with the School Administrator before a student application can be approved. Call Pastor Jake at (970) 201-1391 to schedule an interview.
Colorado law requires that all students have the following: certificate of immunization and a copy of birth certificate.
Text books must be purchased through the Academy before August 1st. The cost of texts books is assumed by the student.
Parents must sign the contractual agreement and the parents pledge before the first day of school.

Please mail all forms to:
P.O. Box 26, Hotchkiss, CO 81419
If you are unable to download and print forms from this website, you may also obtain forms by contacting Pastor Jake at:
Thank you for considering NFCA.
Tuition Discounts Available
Enroll on time and save money
Send in your application before June 15th, and NFCA will waive the $25 application fee.
Our multi-child discount is available to families enrolling more than one student. Please see our handbook (Linked below) for more details.
Students and families that pay in full all fees and tuition before the first day of school will receive a 5% tuition discount.

Grace Hopkins Scholarship
We want anyone to be able to afford NFCA. This is still true. NFCA offers financial assistance through the generous giving of members of FBCH and the community. If our tuition rates are beyond your reach, download, print and fill out the application below. We make no promises, but we will try to help. Why? We believe that a Christian education should be available to everyone.